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The Primary Six of Ecole Primaire Saint Ignace had a trip study at Rwanda parliament and umurishyo arts gallery

The Primary Six of Ecole Primaire Saint Ignace had a trip study on this Tuesday 11th June 2024. They visited The Rwandan Parliament, the Museum for Campaign Against the Genocide at Gishushu and Umurishyo Art Gallery at Kimironko

What a Colorful and Joyful Visit to our school today

On May 28th 2024 we are blessed to host Father Fr. Marc Desmet, SJ, Regional Superior of the European Low Countries

A marvellous trip study in Nyanza District.

On this Tuesday 5th June 2024, Primary five class of ECOLE PRIMAIRE SAINT IGNACE had a marvellous trip study in Nyanza District.

Saint Ignatius High School received award from Rwanda standard board

In celebration of International Standards Day (World Standards Day2023), Rwanda standard board appreciated Educational institutions

Anti-crime campaign

2021, Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) with the presence of Minister of education Dr Valentine Uwamariya launched Anti-Crime Campaigns in secondary schools started at Saint Ignatius High School (SIHS) which has

EMSI is officially innaugurated after 2 years

We thank God for the good gift of you dear benefactors and friends of St. Ignace Nursery school who are here with us today. You are warmly welcome to our School. We thank you so much for your contribution in building of our school and thank you so much for officially opening our school today. May God bless you.


According to Malcon X., education is the passport to the future. Truly, education is the light that enables us to see the future fortune. However Aristotle states that the roots of education are bitter but its fruits are sweet, Ecole Primaire Saint Ignace provides education which is sweet from the roots to fruits.